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Halloween Candy

Herrin Pediatric Dentistry wants everyone to have a safe and happy Halloween!! Many patients and parents ask, “What is the best or worst candy to eat?”
Oct 22nd, 2013


Fluoride is very helpful in preventing tooth decay. Parents often ask me why fluoride is beneficial and where they can get it for their children.
Aug 13th, 2013

Why do I come twice a year?

Many people wonder why it is generally recommended to have their children’s teeth cleaned every six months. Research has shown that patients who have regular cleaning or less likely to need dental restorative work.
Jun 10th, 2013

It’s Just a Baby Tooth…

One of the common questions asked by parents when it comes to dental treatment is– Is it necessary to treat decay in a baby tooth with a filling?
Jun 3rd, 2013

Ten Ways to Improve Dental Health

Here are ten easy tips to help improve your child’s dental health. 1. Visit your dentist twice a year for check-ups 2. Brush teeth at least twice a day...
May 29th, 2013

You want me to floss?

It is common knowledge that every dentist recommends daily flossing, but most people rarely ,if ever, floss. My father used to joke that he flossed his teeth twice a year–when the hygienist cleaned his teeth.
Dec 30th, 2012

Time for First Visit?

When should I take my child to his or her first dental appointment? This is a common question that is asked by parents. Many people say not until age three or later,...
Dec 30th, 2012

Don’t Drink That!!!

Cavities are caused by the production of acid from bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria produce acid when sugar is broken down. Every time that sugar is introduced in the mouth, more acid is produced.
Dec 9th, 2012